Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Saturday, February 07, 2004
How 24 Series Ruined my Life [Return to the Blog]
Ok. I know you heard it before. I'm obssesed with this series. I thought Season 2 was not going
to be as compelling as Season 1. Well I was very, very wrong! This week I was supposed to get a lot accomplished with school. Of course netflix dropped off the first disc in the series for Season 2 and after watching the four hours straight through I knew I had to buy the damn dvd set!!! Season 1 and 2 have set me back $120.00. Strangely I'm not dying to sell it right away on ebay like I do everything else. Instead I might keep it for a while. Whenever I loose focus about moving to Los Angeles I'll just pop it in and it will always remind me how I want to move to LA and become an agent for the NSA. One day!
I have been going a little nuts over where I am going to live in the next six months. I did pre-qualify for a home loan with my dad as a coborrower, my credit was too stinky to do it on my own. It made me very excited, but at the same time it was very nerve racking. Buying a home is such a major step, and it seems like all the pieces aren't there right now. I don't want what happened in SoBe to happen again. I want to have enough money saved up so that if I loose my job I can be ok for a couple of months.
So I devised a plan of attack. I emailed my boss and asked him to give me a final notice on whether they'll relocate me over to LA. I should have that soon, as early as next week. If the offer is good I'll be LA bound. If not then I'll rent a place in the following neighborhoods: Wilton Manors, Victoria Park, or South Beach. Then when I save up enough, I'll buy my place. My goal is to have my Master's Degree and have a house by the age of 30. If everything goes according to plan I'll have my Master's in Computer Science by 28. So the house should come sometime soon after that!! Wish me luck!
Last night I headed over to my favorite bathhouse. I thought I would see GeekSlut there but there was no sign of him. There was one guy who had his build, but I don't think it was him. Although he gave me a nice show in the showers. I went with the full intention of getting off and of course I came out of the place making two new friends, Ruben and Doug. Ruben was a hysterical puerto rican who was the chattiest person I had ever seen in a bathhouse. He was hilarious. Doug joined us later in the pool and he had graduated from his Master's in Computer Science. If you guys are reading this make sure to say hi in the comments.
We had a great time talking about all sorts of things while we checked out the hot guys coming and going. I almost went there again today but I realized how obssesive that was, so I stayed at home finished a project for work and then joined Ms. Broward ( who we now call Ms. West Broward because she gets lost East of I-95) and Luis at Denny's for some chow down. As always we found tons of things to laugh about, and Luis was a little bitchy because his underwear was tight. He's been touch, bitchy two days in a row, no matter what he says.
Btw you can all thank Ms. Broward for my feeding my my obssesive impulses because she informed me tonight that Season 3 of 24 is going on now. DAMN IT! I'll never do anything productive again!!! On that note, I'm going to check out the play Making Porn tomorrow with Matthew Rush. He's a hot gay porn star and the play features him naked. The playhouse is actually connected to my apartment complex so it will be a nice little elevator ride down there! I'll let you guys know how it goes. I'm excited about it. And we have really good seats.
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I have been going a little nuts over where I am going to live in the next six months. I did pre-qualify for a home loan with my dad as a coborrower, my credit was too stinky to do it on my own. It made me very excited, but at the same time it was very nerve racking. Buying a home is such a major step, and it seems like all the pieces aren't there right now. I don't want what happened in SoBe to happen again. I want to have enough money saved up so that if I loose my job I can be ok for a couple of months.

Last night I headed over to my favorite bathhouse. I thought I would see GeekSlut there but there was no sign of him. There was one guy who had his build, but I don't think it was him. Although he gave me a nice show in the showers. I went with the full intention of getting off and of course I came out of the place making two new friends, Ruben and Doug. Ruben was a hysterical puerto rican who was the chattiest person I had ever seen in a bathhouse. He was hilarious. Doug joined us later in the pool and he had graduated from his Master's in Computer Science. If you guys are reading this make sure to say hi in the comments.
We had a great time talking about all sorts of things while we checked out the hot guys coming and going. I almost went there again today but I realized how obssesive that was, so I stayed at home finished a project for work and then joined Ms. Broward ( who we now call Ms. West Broward because she gets lost East of I-95) and Luis at Denny's for some chow down. As always we found tons of things to laugh about, and Luis was a little bitchy because his underwear was tight. He's been touch, bitchy two days in a row, no matter what he says.
Btw you can all thank Ms. Broward for my feeding my my obssesive impulses because she informed me tonight that Season 3 of 24 is going on now. DAMN IT! I'll never do anything productive again!!! On that note, I'm going to check out the play Making Porn tomorrow with Matthew Rush. He's a hot gay porn star and the play features him naked. The playhouse is actually connected to my apartment complex so it will be a nice little elevator ride down there! I'll let you guys know how it goes. I'm excited about it. And we have really good seats.
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