Thursday, February 19, 2004


Key West Pimpin'       [Return to the Blog]

Key WestI finally booked my week of fun at the Island House. I'll be staying at the Island House from March 23rd which is a Tuesday through Sunday March 28th. So if you'll be in the Key West area during that time definately let me know! I got a new credit card over the mail and decided to use it to book my trip. I know that if I had waited closer to March, they probably would be booked up and I probably would have backed out. I have made so many plans to go so many places with my friends. Either we run out of money, or someone can't make it. This time around I'm going! Going on my own to the bathhouse has really taught me that if I want to do something, I should do it alone. If you depend on other people to do things you might be let down. This is not to say that I would not gladly go with any of my friends to Key West, and I invited them all but I will not be surprised or discouraged if they can't make it. There was a time when I would be frightened just to go to the movies alone, now I am making a trip to Key West on my own. I truly do feel free. At 26 I feel more in control of my life than in any other period. I look forward to growing more comfortable in my skin and with the world around me.
Key West
That was pretty heavy. Let's lighten up the mood again. I think I'm going to have a feature on my website called: Where will he move to this week. Because now my boss says that by the end of next week I will have an offer. I've exhausted every single option. I decided no matter where I live I'll be open to the idea. Staying in Fort Lauderdale has many advantages, but mixing it up and changing scenery to Southern California is definately an experience that I would love to have part of my life. My gut feeling tells me that I'll probably stay here, but who knows, my company might actually give me enough money to move out there!

I was reading an article today about Iranian women bloggers. It was very fascinating. I have always had a fascination with the middle east, their culture is so drastically different than everything I am exposed to. I try to catch every foreign film that I can about the area. For some reason I have seen more documentaries and independant films about Iran than any other middle eastern country. It would be my dream to one day visit Tehran. Until I do I have a great perspective on the place by this wonderful blogger: Lady Sun. Her blog was posted on the article that I read. She's not a fundamentalist, just a regular citizen of the world who comments about life in Iran. I hope you guys get a chance to check out her blog, it's amazing. Her english is very good too. The article that I was reading was mentioning these bloggers because they fear that the next administration to be "elected" in Iran will severely limit access to the internet, making these bloggers obsolote. Let's hope that doesn't happen. Key West

The pictures on this blog I grabbed from: Tropical Silks. If you like them they sell silk prints on the website. I fell in love with the colors and how it captures the fun, free-will of Key West. Maybe instead of moving to Los Angeles, or Miami, I should get a place down in Key West :) After all whenever I get a chance I head down there. I was talking to Cristina, who works for my building and she's getting married down there. They rented a yacht that holds 45 people and are having the ceremony out in the water. It sounded awesome. If I ever tied the knot I'd definately do it that way. She was going to play Jimmy Buffet the whole way through, and that's the only part that I disagreed with her on! hehe

I recently found my old journals. For my next entry I'll transcribe one of my past entries. It will be nice to contrast what I was doing and thinking during that time with what's going on in my life now.

It's Tina's (Sweetie's) birthday today. I'm sure she's freezing her ass off in Boston, I miss you girl, you need to come back to Florida where you belong! If you guys don't know who Tina is, she is the famous model that posed for two of my galleries. Don't miss these: Tina Gallery and Tina 21 Gallery. They are both good. Tina went on to become a supermodel for Marlboro cigarettes and studies Chemistry and Physics on her spare time. Her hobbies include eating carrots with ranch dressing, and never loosing at drinking contests no matter what the cost!

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  1. Creatures of the Night
  2. Starring Lola and Rocco
  3. Bathhouse Madness and the End of WWIII
  4. Making Porn
  5. How 24 Series Ruined my Life
  6. Blog Comments!!!
  7. Cupid's Gallery Created!
  8. Nina was a dirty agent? No it can't be....
  9. Where the hell am I going to Live?
  10. Dean For President!
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"I have quite a collection of journals. It's not so much that I write a lot. I have this bad habit of starting a new journal when I start a new chapter in life. Either I have had many turning points in my life, or I just wanted an excuse to buy new journals!"

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