Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Monday, February 02, 2004
Nina was a dirty agent? No it can't be.... [Return to the Blog]
Yes ladies and gentelmen, I finally finished the 24 series 1 DVD pack! Netflix fucked up my disc 4 so I had to run to Best Buy so that I can buy the whole damn collector's edition to see the last three discs. Of course it threw my productive school weekend way off track, so off track that I didn't do shit for school work! But I finally saw the ending of 24. And it was amazing!!! It has to my favorite series ever. I can even forgive Nina a little for being a german nasty ass spy. Now I have to wait to get Series 2 in the mail and I can obsses all over again!!! I only had one critque. When the president gets angry at his wife for leaking the info to the media, instead of smashing the glass vase, he should have pimp smacked her for emphasis, I HATE HER!!! She is sooo evil. Moving forward....
Saturday afternoon I went in for my waxing appointment with Sean. It had been a while since I had waxed. THe last time was in South Beach with Master Paolo in the Beaty Dungenon. Conveniently located on 16th and Meridian. For those of you interested email me. He waxes, tortures, massages, and tricks. All in a days work. I only retained his services for waxing. Sean was very professional. We had a good time even though I was in pain and covered in wax for the majority of the time. Sean wasn't exactly my type but I would have so fucked him if I had seen a window. I definately saw that he was attracted to me but I decided to keep things professional. Even though I probably could have gotten a free waxing, damn!!! After he showed me his pet snake, literally not his ding-dong), I went on my way. I was ready to party that night. But really I just watched the last dvd's to 24 obssesively!!
I didn't want to deviate from the flow of the weekend so instead of studying Sunday I called Luis and we had dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. I love that place, and I'm sure Luis enjoyed his fetuccini alfredo. Damn now I'm hungry. Let's take a quick pause while I get something to eat....
Ok back on track. After eating and the usual Java Boys caffeine pump we decided to go apartment shopping. This sounds more active than it really was. We went by the realtor next to Java Boys grabed a pamphlet and off to the address we went. We saw a really nicely priced house with 2 bedrooms, a nice yard, and jacuzzi. It would have been perfect. Luis found out today that it might already be taken. And I can't get out of my damn lease so I guess I'll have to wait until July. I'm glad we didn't do any sudden decisions because I have not really had the time to think through being Luis's roommate again. To be frankly honest it scared me a little. Our friendship is going well now and whenever you stick friends in a roommate situation, it can turn out ugly, take Mario and I for example. And when you stick two stubbon-asses like Luis and I together, well it can definately be called the Powder Keg of Wilton Manors. So we have six months to think it through.
After an exhausting hour or so of house hunting we checked out the Butterfly Effect at my favorite Muvico Theatre in Pompano on US1. This is not an ad but check this theatre out, it's awesome! And the concessions are pricey too!! The movie was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. It was very suspenceful, it scared the shit out of us like four times, and they did a very good job with handling the time paradox issue. Luis didn't like the ending too much, but I thought it was fair. It wasn't a complete hollywood ending which always makes me happy. Although I think Luis and I would agree that the stumpy ending would have rocked. Whoever put in that granola stumpy bar scene, you are evil, we almost peed in our pants. This is not a knock to our amputee friends, it was just damn funny!
I ended Sunday with a bang. I could have used the remaining hours to catch up on my school reading but noooo!!!! I went to the bathhouse instead. BTW I had no idea it was Super Bowl Sunday. Oh well. Not that I like sports or anything. The bathhouse was pretty full and I had to wait 10 minutes for a towel. I felt more overdressed than ever! Once I get my towel the action started. There were two hot guys in the steam room that I started to play with. I was sucking their dicks, when I realized I was about to pass out from the heat of the steam and the excerice. I walked out and slid in the jacuzzi. After I recuperated myself I went into the dark hallway where I had even more fun with the first guy. He was a hottie! We played a while and then I got tired again. These people can go at it forever. Not me. My neck hurts after a while and then I start seeing patterns in their pubic hair that's pressed so close to my face. That is when I know it is time to move on.
We had even more fun in the sauna room, thank god it wasn't that hot in there. There was one freaky/scary guy who wouldn't leave me alone, but he stopped bothering me after a while. I checked out at 2:30am from exhaustion. But overall it was a very satisfying visit. Luis would have had fun going with me. But instead he was shoing Ms. Broward the house we were going to rent at night. Oh well!!
Quick note to Jim! I do read your blog and am happy to see you update it! Thanks for the reference to my blog on there! If you need advice on how to come out to your coworker, just wear a tshirt that says AssBandit on it. I'm sure he'll get the hint soon enough :). All my coworkers found out that I was gay because I had a gay bumper sticker on my car, and a gay disco ball on my rear view mirror. BTW that disco ball thing is dangerous. Once I was turning on the expressway and the damn thing not only blinded me with the sun but it hit be square on the head. Had I not had a high tolerance for disco ball pain, I would have cried right there!!!
I'm ending the blog on a sad note. My good friend from high school Arlet was in a terrible car crash over the weekend. She is fine now and escaped with minor injuries but the accident was scary!! There has to be a guardian angel looking after her because she hydroplaned on the ramp to enter the highway and then she went across four lanes of traffic. She blacked out while she was doing all this and luckily she only hit one car, the driver was not badly injured at all. Her car was totalled but she was able to walk away from the accident. She is very shaken right now and it reminds me of the terrible accident I had when I was a kid. It psychologically scarred me to the point that I wasn't able to drive a car until I was 23 years old. I hope she recovers from the trauma faster than I did! My thoughts are with Arlet in knowing that she will do a speedy and healthy recovery.
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Saturday afternoon I went in for my waxing appointment with Sean. It had been a while since I had waxed. THe last time was in South Beach with Master Paolo in the Beaty Dungenon. Conveniently located on 16th and Meridian. For those of you interested email me. He waxes, tortures, massages, and tricks. All in a days work. I only retained his services for waxing. Sean was very professional. We had a good time even though I was in pain and covered in wax for the majority of the time. Sean wasn't exactly my type but I would have so fucked him if I had seen a window. I definately saw that he was attracted to me but I decided to keep things professional. Even though I probably could have gotten a free waxing, damn!!! After he showed me his pet snake, literally not his ding-dong), I went on my way. I was ready to party that night. But really I just watched the last dvd's to 24 obssesively!!
I didn't want to deviate from the flow of the weekend so instead of studying Sunday I called Luis and we had dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. I love that place, and I'm sure Luis enjoyed his fetuccini alfredo. Damn now I'm hungry. Let's take a quick pause while I get something to eat....
Ok back on track. After eating and the usual Java Boys caffeine pump we decided to go apartment shopping. This sounds more active than it really was. We went by the realtor next to Java Boys grabed a pamphlet and off to the address we went. We saw a really nicely priced house with 2 bedrooms, a nice yard, and jacuzzi. It would have been perfect. Luis found out today that it might already be taken. And I can't get out of my damn lease so I guess I'll have to wait until July. I'm glad we didn't do any sudden decisions because I have not really had the time to think through being Luis's roommate again. To be frankly honest it scared me a little. Our friendship is going well now and whenever you stick friends in a roommate situation, it can turn out ugly, take Mario and I for example. And when you stick two stubbon-asses like Luis and I together, well it can definately be called the Powder Keg of Wilton Manors. So we have six months to think it through.

I ended Sunday with a bang. I could have used the remaining hours to catch up on my school reading but noooo!!!! I went to the bathhouse instead. BTW I had no idea it was Super Bowl Sunday. Oh well. Not that I like sports or anything. The bathhouse was pretty full and I had to wait 10 minutes for a towel. I felt more overdressed than ever! Once I get my towel the action started. There were two hot guys in the steam room that I started to play with. I was sucking their dicks, when I realized I was about to pass out from the heat of the steam and the excerice. I walked out and slid in the jacuzzi. After I recuperated myself I went into the dark hallway where I had even more fun with the first guy. He was a hottie! We played a while and then I got tired again. These people can go at it forever. Not me. My neck hurts after a while and then I start seeing patterns in their pubic hair that's pressed so close to my face. That is when I know it is time to move on.
We had even more fun in the sauna room, thank god it wasn't that hot in there. There was one freaky/scary guy who wouldn't leave me alone, but he stopped bothering me after a while. I checked out at 2:30am from exhaustion. But overall it was a very satisfying visit. Luis would have had fun going with me. But instead he was shoing Ms. Broward the house we were going to rent at night. Oh well!!
Quick note to Jim! I do read your blog and am happy to see you update it! Thanks for the reference to my blog on there! If you need advice on how to come out to your coworker, just wear a tshirt that says AssBandit on it. I'm sure he'll get the hint soon enough :). All my coworkers found out that I was gay because I had a gay bumper sticker on my car, and a gay disco ball on my rear view mirror. BTW that disco ball thing is dangerous. Once I was turning on the expressway and the damn thing not only blinded me with the sun but it hit be square on the head. Had I not had a high tolerance for disco ball pain, I would have cried right there!!!
I'm ending the blog on a sad note. My good friend from high school Arlet was in a terrible car crash over the weekend. She is fine now and escaped with minor injuries but the accident was scary!! There has to be a guardian angel looking after her because she hydroplaned on the ramp to enter the highway and then she went across four lanes of traffic. She blacked out while she was doing all this and luckily she only hit one car, the driver was not badly injured at all. Her car was totalled but she was able to walk away from the accident. She is very shaken right now and it reminds me of the terrible accident I had when I was a kid. It psychologically scarred me to the point that I wasn't able to drive a car until I was 23 years old. I hope she recovers from the trauma faster than I did! My thoughts are with Arlet in knowing that she will do a speedy and healthy recovery.
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