Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Party Monster [Return to the Blog]

The movie had some wild parties and outfits. It was definately very interesting. My favorite was Marilyn Manson as Christina. He was great! It was so strange to see such an obscure movie have such an amazing cast. I knew I would eventually like the movie since anything with Chloe Sevigny is amazing. I've liked her since she did Kids. When I first saw that movie I thought it was a real documentary because the stars of the movie looked like kids. But Chloe was actually an adult in that movie. After watching Party Monster I had an urge to watch Kids again. I'll have to put it on my que on netflix.

After Twist we were supposed to head to the Miami Bathhouse but Mario didn't want to go. He claimed he was tired. Once we dropped off Racso Mario agreed to go to the bathhouse in Oakland. I think Mario didn't want to be naked around Racso. But of course he won't admit that. We hit the batthouse around 3:00am but it was still pretty full. I was damn exhausted at this point. We didn't stay too long. I had been driving my mom all morning from Hialeah to Fort Lauderdale and back again since I had taken her to the spa. So I was up since 8:00AM. Which is amazing for me!!
Sunday we were supposed to go to the beach but we never found parking. So much for that! We ended up eating at Georgi's, which by the way had amazing ribs, I was pleasntly surprised. Then we had some coffee at java boys and Rafael was off back to Kendall to break up with Tommy. Which of course we knew would not really happen. And it didn't. He made up and had sex. Next week he'll try to break up again, go back home, and have sex again. The cycle always continues! But it wouldn't be Rafael if he did it any other way.
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