Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
24 Hour Party People [Return to the Blog]

So instead of the cruise we decided to do a day trip to Key West. Rafael thought it would be nice to show Tommy the island, have some drinks, a nice lunch, and then head over to the Island House for the rest of the day. Keep in mind that mention that Rafael wanted to go to the Island House. It becomes important later on. But I get ahead of myself, before I talk about Sunday I have to talk about PrideFest.
Pridefest was so much fun! Rafael came over to my place and we headed over there. They were having it really close to my apartment complex in a big park next to US1. I thought it was going to be a small festival with a few booths. When we pulled up to the parking, I was pleasantly surprised! It wasn't as big as Pride March in the summer, but there were a lot of people. There was an inside area with a stage and booths and then the surrounding outside area had booths, and party 93.1 setup a dance floor outside. Right next to them Hamburger Mary's set up a bar. So Rafael and I headed over there and started drinking our PiƱa Colada's. There were so many booths and so many free things to grab, in the technology industry we call all that free stuff swag. I had rainbow pencils, blowing bubble solution, free lube, condoms, pride stickers, you name it.
Out of all the booths I fell in love with the pet one. They had an adorable beagle and a bull dog. I swear had I not been on a budget, I would have bought the bulldog on spot, called her Matilda, and taken her to her new home with Lola, Rocco, Mario and I. I guess it wasn't my time. Although Mario says he has a friend who has a beagle puppy he needs to give away. That scares me because I'm a big sucker for beagle puppies! The last one I had to give away because it was during my mental break down at the beach. I think I'm ready for a new puppy.
But I digress....So we went through all the booths and we checked out the boys. Lots and lots of hot guys everywhere. While we were there we checked out Pepper LaShay perform Dive in the Pool. For those of you that don't know it's basically the theme song for Queer as Folk. Barry Davis wrote the track and Pepper did the vocals. She was amazing. She has a new cover song "Signed, Sealed, and Delivered" which Chi Chi LaRue did the video for. Check it out! We also checked out the Miss Florida Drag Queen Pagaent.
We checked out the booths again spotting the cuties and then called it a day. We were there for about four hours and had tons of fun. Rafael wanted to buy a man skirt (utility kilt) but they were expensive as shit so he decided not to. Instead he bought some necklace (Rafael always has to buy accessories, it's an obssesion) and we left.
Now we come to Sunday. I woke up at the crack of dawn to drop off Lola at the parents and pick up Rafael and Tommy. I was at their place by 9:00am and we were in Key West by 11:30am. Tommy had a great time and it did remind him of New Orleans a lot. We were having a great time until we sat down at lunch. Since after lunch we were going to go to Island House, Rafael started to get freaky. His deal, for those of who you don't know is to keep the cuban male chovanist spirit alive and well in the gay community. Rafael is all about going to all the clubs with me on the weekend, going to all the bathhouses, but at the point that Tommy tags along he doesn't want Tommy to do anything, to talk to anyone, or to look at anyone. It's very annoying.
Tommy and I gave him the usual speech about getting over himself and letting Tommy breathe, but of course it was useless. Happy Birthday Rafael! We arrived at the Island House and that's when the drama began. At the Island House I called Rafael the sexual Pirahna. Like the Pirahna Rafael swarmed around his prey, Tommy, and completly devoured him. We were at the pool and Rafael was all over Tommy tack style. Party people it was tacky sad. We got some drinks and wouldn't you know it, Tommy knew one of the staff. Here is where I have to pause and talk about Rafael's super hero identity.

So while Raf and I were at the pool, and Mr. Negativity was telling me what a victim he was for bringing Tommy to the Island House, I was busy plotting the assasination of Mr. Negativity. You see Mr. Negativity's kryptonite is highly potent psychotropic drugs. Unfortuntaley for me I did not have any Xanex to feed him. So the day, like the weather was miserable, overcast, with drizzling rain that washed away the sunshine.
I did manage to play with one guy in the steam room who was very hot! He was visiting from Chicago. Those boys up there sure know how to have a good time. As usual I had to leave the steam room half way through our fun because I was really really close to passing out in that heat. That and Tommy was severly drunk at this time and he was coming in every five seconds to the steamroom to find me. Little did he know I was on my knees facing the wall :). After countless arguements which I won't bore you with, we decided to leave the Island House and have some dinner. The wait at Blue Heaven in the Bahama Village was too long so we settled on a nice mexican place on Duval. The food was excellent. After I bought some souvenirs for my parents we grabbed some coffee and headed home. I have no idea how I made it home to Fort Lauderdale with so little sleep, but I was damn glad to see my bed again!!!
Completly off the subject as usual, I have a new favorite artist. I bought Nelly Furtado's new album a couple of days ago and it's awesome. I've always liked her style as an artist and her music isn't the usual Britney Spears stuff, which don't get me wrong I love, but sometimes you need coffee with your sugar. My favorite song on her album is Fresh Off the Boat. I love Furtado because her message is one about embracing different cultures and being proud of what makes us different. She was born and raised in Canada but her heritage is Portugese. Check out her new cd if you have a chance. Especially if you liked the new single, Powerless. Her website is pretty hot too.

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