Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Withholding Evidence: Luis vs. Kelvis

Luis had asked Mrs. Broward and I to join him at Georgi's Alibi. He had a date and wanted us to be around as a safeguard in case things got hairy. We got there and we thought the date was going fine. As soon as we approached and were introduced to the date, he left promptly. I think the combo of Mrs. Broward and I was too much for him to take :) Either case I am assuming that the date did not go so well. Luis was moody and not at a happy place. We sat at a table and I wanted to hear how everything went. My complete attention was on Luis. Mrs. Broward was distracted by the menu and what she was going to order.
I wanted to know all the details about the date, and Luis started to get bitchy with me, as he has done in the past. He tends to take it out on me when things aren't going his way. I told him that I didn't appreciate him snapping at me and he said something to the affect of, "stop being so sensitive". At this point I was completly pissed and ready to go home. I waited till everyone finished their drinks and then I went home. They went off to get some coffee at JavaBoys.
I was so pissed because Luis had the nerve to tell me not to be so sensitive. This from a person who a majority of the time when he's pissed I have to walk on egg shells because I don't know what will piss him off. This from the person who always tells me not to blow up in his face because I hold up little incidents about things that bother him. Yet when I bring those small incidients up, he tells me to stop being so sensitive. Again, this is nothing new in Luis. It was something new in me. I was tired.
I didn't want to take the bullshit anymore. This wasn't the end of our friendship. All I wanted was a simple apology. Something that he did not supply, that night or the day after. He called the day after as if nothing had happened, which is such a bad pet peeve of mine. I hate avoiding issues by pretending that they never happened. I asked him if he was going to apologize for being a dick, to which he replied, "no, not at all". That was the end of that phone call and coincidentally the end of our comunication and friendship.
It's strange to me that with all that we've gone through in our friendship, something like this would last so long. But alas, reality is strange. I am optimistic about our friendship in the future but I'm done starting things up again. I'm ready to continue the dialogue of our friendship but want Luis to make this move. Until that time I'll be missing his friendship. It's strange not sharing my life with him.
On a lighter note, I have a new expensive hobby to add to my list, gay guesthousing. First my list of costly hobbies is:
- Gadgets! Gadgets! Gadgets! (I love buying them, using them, then getting the newer models)
- Moving Every Damn Year and not getting my Deposit Back (I hate this one!)
- Vacationing (Which I need to do more of.)
- Gay Guesthousing (Which is like vacationing but more expensive because of the gay tax.)
So it all started with Island House at Key West. Next up is this June when I go with Rob to Las Vegas' Blue Moon Ridge. After that I think I have my sights set on San Francisco's Parker House. And then there is Palm Springs and the All Worlds Resort. I haven't prepared myself mentally after that but I'm sure it will involve something international. For an international listing of gay guesthouses check out it's awesome! There's also a nice gay guesthouse in Columbia and Argentina that I want to check out!
Sunday, April 25, 2004
When I get to my Destination, I'm gonna kill Bill...

I miss those guys and gals so much. Roscoe was telling me today that he spotted one of our old friends Vanessa on South Beach. He didn't come up to her to say hi, I wish he had, I'm dying to know how she is doing. As we were all back in College, Vanessa was wild! She was so much fun to be around, unpredicatable, but always fun! She was the power fag hag. She could tell gay men in a room, even when they hadn't come out themselves! It was great to be around her. I know she's living somewhere in Broward. I'm sure I'll run into her one of these days. The twins also told me that one of my old junior high friends is not only living in broward, but she is going to NOVA. What a crazy world! After Junior High she left to Pakistan to finish her schooling there and now she's back in the states. I look forward to getting together with her to see how her life has been going. I hear she has an arranged marriage in the works, which is wild.
I think by moving back to Miami Beach I'll be better situated. For all the things that are worng with South Beach I somewhere felt that I belonged there. Fort Lauderdale doesn't make me feel like I belong here. I still feel like a tourist somehow. I'd be the first to say what an awesome city Fort Lauderdale is. I'm just a big-time Miami boy who's home sick. My ideal situation would be to move back to the beach and have all my friends there. But as is always the case in life, you don't always get what you want and you deal with what you are dealt. Roscoe will probably leave two or three months after I move there. We have this strange magnet which only lets us live in the surronding area for a maximum of three months. It's very strange.

Anyways, Carla and Connie was great. The movie was very cute. It wasn't My Big Fat Greek funny, but it was very cute. I love Nia Vardalos. I loved her since My Big Fat Greek Wedding. The movie is somewhat predicatable but it's definately enjoyable and David Duchovny is adorable! I was never that much into him but ever since he started taking these supporting actor love role acts, he's super cute! It was nice to see the theatre filled with gay guys, Of course I went to the gay theatre on Sunrise, but that's a different story. This week is the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival which I have missed for two years in a row. Next year when I live in SoBe, I vow to go to this damn thing. They are showing awesome movies. Actually I might catch a few because they are showing some in Fort Lauderdale, in the ground floor of my building.
Kill Bill Vol. 2 was great! If you liked Vol. 1 you'll like this one. I would dare to say this one is a little slower than part 1 but it's defiantely great. I cried laughing out loud with the martial arts instructor. He was hilarious. And the way he loved his beard was out of this world. He was great! I think the movie had a great ending. Uma looked amazing as always. The fight scene with Daryl Hannah was great. The only thing I didn't get is why in part 1 and 2 whenever they would say Uma's character's name they would bleep it out until the end. I thought that was kind of weird. I missed that. If anyone figured it out let me know.
My birthday is coming up and maybe that's why I'm so moody. In fact I'm sure that's why. I don't really hate getting older, I think it builds character, but I feel this past year for me was stagnant. At least it looks that way to my pessimistic mind. Really I accomplished many things. I started my Master's Program in Computer Science. I successfully weened myself of psychotropic drugs and I think healed myself from my anxieties, lastly I think I have gained more self-respect and confidence than I had in the past. These are all very huge things. Of course in the accomplishing of these tasks I put on a couple more pounds than I would like, which always brings me down. So I'm back with my diet and a promise. I want to loose five pounds by the time I go to Las Vegas, and I want to loose 10 pounds by the time I move back the beach. The rest will come during the summer.

I got my Madonna tix in the mail! So happy. The tix I just got are the pit seats that I'm going to sell/give to Roscoe. Don't know yet how that's gonna pan out. Just glad that I got them. It's gonna be a great summer. I can feel it. I know this depression that I've had lately is partly due to getting older, and just stuck where I'm at in life. I have the forsight to know that it will pass and I'll be back to myself in no time.
Oh and I just picked up a Flash text book that teaches how to do Flash Games. So be on the lookout for some new flash games, style :) You know TinaSlut will be the main hero in all the games :) And for those of you who find yourselves in the same mood that I'm in, I dedicate this song to you, it's my current favorite song by Liz Phair and it's called Extraordinary:
You think that I go home at night
Take off my clothes, turn out the lights
But I burn letters that I write
To you, to make you love me
Yeah, I drive naked through the park
And run the stop sign in the dark
Stand in the street, yell out my heart
To make, to make you love me
I am extraordinary, if you'd ever get to know me
I am extraordinary, I am just your ordinary
Average every day sane psycho
Average every day sane psycho
You may not believe in me
But I believe in you
So I still take the trash out
Does that make me too normal for you?
So dig a little deeper, cause
You still don't get it yet
See me lickin' my lips, need a primitive fix
And I'll make, I'll make you love me
I am extraordinary, if you'd ever get to know me
I am extraordinary, I am just your ordinary
Average every day sane psycho
Average every day sane psycho
See me jump through hoops for you
You stand there watching me performing
What exactly do you do?
Have you ever thought it's you that's boring?
Who the hell are you?
I am extraordinary, if you'd ever get to know me
I am extraordinary, I am just your ordinary
Average every day sane psycho
Average every day sane psycho
Average every day sane psycho
Average every day sane psycho
Average every day sane psycho
Average every day sane psycho
Average every day sane psycho
- Extraordinary by Liz Phair
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
First Time at the Escorting Game

I thought I was going to be more nervous than I actually was. But I handled it all like a pro. He was actually hotter and beefer in person. And surprisingly he was actually straight. Now usually you get the ghetto gays who pretend like they are soo straight, until they start having sex then you know they are not straight at all. This guy was different though. He had a straight porn set up and was using that to keep everything going smooth :) I have to admit that this turned me on more than anything else. It was fucking hot. I also knew he was straight because straight boys treat asses like they were vaginas, without going into details I'm glad I had my poppers with me to help me relax. Because he was ready to fuck like a bunny.
In the end it was a very hot experience and I didn't feel dirty about it. I always wondered if I would. But I guess I'm comfortable enough with my skankiness to be cool with it. It was definately an experience that I'm glad that I went through, but I don't think I would do it again, mostly because I'm cheap and that shit is not cheap to do at all! At all!! This all went down a couple of weeks ago, but I was hesitant to write about it on the blog. I decided to write about it because it's something that I'm not ashamed about and I made a promise to myself to live my life openly, so I'm going through with that promise!
Speaking of escorts and hookers, Rob and will be going to Las Vegas in June! I can't wait. We are going to have a blast. I love Las Vegas, but I've only gone with the parents so this will be a treat to do a while gay resort. Hopefully Rafael will be able to go with us, I know he's dying to go, we'll find out!!

Kelvis Korner for Sale!
This is just a quick entry to let everyone know that my online store is now up and running. Check it out by going to the store which is sponsored by CafePress. The direct link to the store is: Now get out there and buy something! I'll write a full blog entry tonight, once I finish all my work!
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Getting Back to Myself
Last night Roscoe, Rafael, Rodrigo, Mario and I all went out to Georgi's and the Copa. Everytime I go out on a Saturday night and drink too much I always take the whole day Sunday to recover from binge drinking. It always leaves me a bit depressed. Which isn't always that bad. Today for instance I thought a lot about the things that I value and how I've slowly gone away from that.
For instance the last entry when I said I was going to do steroids. I've never sold myself out before in the past by taking the quick and easy road. From my past experiences I know you pay more for it in the end. In the end I decided not to do steroids, and when I get to the body that I want, it will be that much more sweet because I did it all through hard work and commitment. And of course, there will be no nasty needles invovled! Which is always a good thing.
When I went out this weekend there are a lot of things that I noticed that I don't like about some of my friends. They always act according to what people are going to think of them. I hate that type of thinking. It puts such walls around a person that you loose personality and just become another gay android. It's really sad actually. Because those types of people are usually very very self-concious about themselves, yet they pretend like they are super cool when they are really dying inside to be themselves.
Because of that I will definately make a stronger commitment to be the person that I am. I think I've come a long way in my life and the more I live the more I know it's a lot better to be yourself. It's hard to do that when you are around people who not only don't share your philosophy but actually believe in the complete opposite. It's sad because so many people in South Florida suffer from this. You'll see people driving the latest cars, wearing the latest clothes, and declaring bankruptcy all in one breath. I'd rather live within my means and enjoy life more, instead of being a slave to labels and society's pressure.
Next entry I'll talk about my first escort experience and how interesting it was :) I have to go finish up some school work now!
For instance the last entry when I said I was going to do steroids. I've never sold myself out before in the past by taking the quick and easy road. From my past experiences I know you pay more for it in the end. In the end I decided not to do steroids, and when I get to the body that I want, it will be that much more sweet because I did it all through hard work and commitment. And of course, there will be no nasty needles invovled! Which is always a good thing.
When I went out this weekend there are a lot of things that I noticed that I don't like about some of my friends. They always act according to what people are going to think of them. I hate that type of thinking. It puts such walls around a person that you loose personality and just become another gay android. It's really sad actually. Because those types of people are usually very very self-concious about themselves, yet they pretend like they are super cool when they are really dying inside to be themselves.
Because of that I will definately make a stronger commitment to be the person that I am. I think I've come a long way in my life and the more I live the more I know it's a lot better to be yourself. It's hard to do that when you are around people who not only don't share your philosophy but actually believe in the complete opposite. It's sad because so many people in South Florida suffer from this. You'll see people driving the latest cars, wearing the latest clothes, and declaring bankruptcy all in one breath. I'd rather live within my means and enjoy life more, instead of being a slave to labels and society's pressure.
Next entry I'll talk about my first escort experience and how interesting it was :) I have to go finish up some school work now!
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
It's Been a While!

I barely even have time to write in my blog! Two things are keeping my excited: my Las Vegas trip in June and Madonna's Reinvention Tour. Originally I was going to sell my two extra tickets to the highest bidder, that way I could recover my costs from Las Vegas :), but Roscoe gave me the sad pathetic talk about how he didn't get tickets and so well I ended up giving them to him for the price that I paid for them. Of course the concert is in August so if he's still interested and around then I'll give it to him, otherwise ebay all the way! I bet I can make at least a thousand bucks selling them, they are floor seats two rows away from Madonna. Crazy I know!

I bought a gigantic desk for the pc that I built from pieces and it's taking up most of the room. I moved it so many times making changes to the computer that I think I severely damaged the damn desk. If I move I don't know how the hell I'm going to get the desk through my room door. I guess I'll figure it out! I'm liable to buy the same desk at the new place and just move the other stuff, I'm that lazy! This time though I would definately put the desk on wheels. I bought the furniture sliders at Home Depot which work nicely except that the base of the desk was so tight that I couldn't lift it to put those damn things, hence the ripping and tearing underneath the desk :)
Coming Back from Key West I was so excited that I already have my next vacation planned out. Rob and I are going to Las Vegas to the Blue Moon Resort. It's the first resort in Las Vegas that is gay. It's beautiful and raunchy just like Island House in Key West. We are going in the middle of June and it should be a blast. I love Vegas and the fact that we are staying at a gay resort should be great. I definately want to see Celine Dion and Cirque de Soleil's O while I'm there. Hopefully I won't spend all my savings there :) Check out the pictures of the resort on the webpage, they have an amazing looking pool. I'll be sure to take pictures.

Mario and I decided to do Steroids. We were tired of being nasty and fat. He has a friend who is hooking us up with the stuff but it's fucking expensive as shit. I realize it's illegal drugs, but damn there should be some regulations here. I'm a bit nervous because I'm a chicken shit, especially when it deals with needles but I want to see what kind of effect it has on my body. I've never been the addictive type so I know I can do one cycle and stop, especially at the price that we are getting it, believe me I'll only be doing one cycle. The guy is coming today to talk about what we need and then he's going to make the order.

Well this was a long entry for me. I have to wrap up work and head to Best Buy!!! Until next time.
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Key West Boyfriends

Later on during the week Mario came to share my room, and the drama drama Ms. RafLO showed up with Tommy. They were supposed to be in LA but things change and the parties continue! We had a great great time except for some minor drama with RafLO, but it was all washed out during the Aqua Drag Show. I'd like to give my thanks to Ms. Guggi Gomez for making me laugh so hard I almost pissed myself at the bar. Guggi did Erotica by Madonna and it involved a lot of audience participation.
Unfortinately for Rafael he was a victim. Guggi pushed Rafael down and laid him flat on the bar stool. You really had to be there to see it. Rafael was fighting it with all his might and almost spilt all our drinks, that would not have been so funny. When Rafael came back from the floor, he was sweating with drag queen anxiety. It was hilarious. The rest of the night whenever Ms. Guggi Gomez would come out, Rafael would get behind Tommy because, "he wanted to be near his honey". Yeah right, that bitch was scared shitless of Guggi. Good times!
Now for the good news. Mario and I scored with Key West boyfriends. Mario's I must say is a native of Key West, which can be shady. But he was very very cute. They were hitting it nasty style in the bedroom so I was locked out for a couple of hours. Michael was locked out of his room because my Key West boyfriend was cheating on me, so we hung out together. When I got back in the room, I got high from all the poppers that were left open. It was crazy fun. Or as RafLO would say, "Wicked Fun".
Now about the Boston Boys. These guys were great! They really made my vacation. They were all very cute, young, and lots of fun to be around. They were all bartenders I think from the Boston area. Derek, Michael, and Brett are all bartenders at Buzz. The site goes up and down so hopefully you'll catch it when it's up. Although all the boys were hotties, my heart was set on Derek. He was adorable! Blonde, beefy, and with a bostonian accent. And on top of that very flirty. We never did hook up, he loves those skinny twig bitches, but we were boyfriends nonetheless :)
Michael by far had the friendlies and most outgoing personality, although Derek does too when he's drunk, but that's another story left for the exotic video room, spicy! When Michael and I were both locked out we chilled for a while and got to know each other. It's funny because when I first met them I was under the impression that they were all younger than me. But the funny thing is that I'm younger than they are. Anyways they made me feel like I was in college again and we'll definately be hanging out with them again! Mario and I are already planning our New England trip.

They were driving us around all over duval and Island House drunk on their scooters. We chilled at their little apartment outside of the Island House. I thought they were very funny. Especially Scottie. I think he's done too much pot in his life because he has that hippie perma smile that never comes off, and he ends everything in "love". As an example his favorite place was the "Exotic Video Room.....of Love".
I definately recommend anyone to check out the Island House if they ever go to Key West. During that one week, I had a three some with two cute french boys from Paris, I met the adorable boys from Boston, had great conversation with the couple from Rhode Island, they were adorable by the way, and met many people whom of which I might recognize by face, but by other ummm body parts! Fun Fun Fun!
While I was at Key West the tickets for the Madonna tour were on sale. I woke up so fucking late on Saturday because of the partying that the shows were sold out. I was so damn pissed! Luckily she added two other shows and I was part of the American Airlines Arena mailing list, so I was able to get really really good seats. Mario and I should be able to smell her sweat with the seats that we got. They are better than the seats that Luis and I had for Britney!
I'm not even going to mention the whole moving to LA thing because now it's getting ridicuilous. It turns out that while I was at vacation my boss was leaving the company, which meant that I would be moving to LA like in two days. He since decided to stay, which I am glad because I liked working with him, and so now they still need more meetings to get me over there. When I came back from Key West I fell in love again with South Florida, vowing never to leave. But whatever, I'll just let the wind guide me to my destination.

I am thinking though of getting a time-share in Key West. I love to go there and go about six times a year it will probably be worth it. However it's strange to get a time-share without buying a house first. So I might buy a house and then in a year get a time-share. That would be great. Financially everything is coming together for me now, so I'll soon have enough to jump on that house that I always wanted. Of course if I move to LA those plans will definately change because a house in Fort Lauderdale buys you half of a trailer in Los Angeles.
I just started up school so my blogging will be cut down severely. I'll try my best to write in often, but not that much happens when you are studying all day :)
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