Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Friday, April 01, 2005
Apple Addicted [Return to the Blog]

My new school semester started and I have to start kicking ass. I dropped the ball last semester but I have to graduate soon, because I wanna have more free time :) I was supposed to start the gym insanity this week, but since I've been feeling gross with my cold I'll be starting this weekend! As soon as I buy my new iShuffle I'll be hitting that gym like crazy. I swear how many gadgets do I need to get before I go crazy. This year alone I've bought my Itunes Speakers, iShuffle, mini Mac, my new cell phone, cell phone accessories, and personalized plates! I haven't gotten them yet but they are going to read: KELVO. Someone took KELVIS already. Can you believe that?
It sucks. April and May are going to be fun because Albert and Luis are coming to visit. I'm sure Rafael will find a way to come and visit for my birthday. Albert and his boyfriend will be visiting LA for the first time for a couple of days so that will be fun. Luis is definately coming for my birthday weekend and Rafael might come. I was thinking instead of staying in LA that we might detour into San Francisco.
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