Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Monday, July 11, 2005
Earthquakes, Santa Barbara, and 4th of July [Return to the Blog]

As always it's been a long time! I've been busy exploring California. My latest adventure has been going to Santa Barbara for the Summer Solstice Parade. The parade was "interesting". There were no corporate floats allowed so everything was very "creative". it was the first time that Albert came out to hang out with the gang (Jim, Joe, and I). We had lots of fun. The beach was beautiful, the pier was lots of fun, but the highlight was the bicycle contraption that we rode along the coastline. It was so much fun! To check out the new image galleries follow this link. I definately have to go back to Santa Barbara. It was only about two hours away from Los Angeles. We also had a close encounter with a seal who was beached on the shore. Everyting is chronicled in the image section so make sure to check it out.
I got the cutest license frames for my car. I'm getting my personalized license plates this weekend, it reads "KELVO" because Kelvis was taken. Can you believe it! Anyway I wanted to personalize the plates with something gay so for the back plate I chose rainbow palms and for the front plate (California makes you use two license plates) I got rainbow paws! It looks too cute!

Speaking of Rainbow Paws, I was taken aback during Pride on the amount of gay organizations that existed in Southern California. I noticed that there was one organization missing. There was no organization that centered around pets. I love walking the dogs on the wekeend and taking them out hiking. I thought it would be great if there was a group of gay and lesbians to do it together. Jim and Joe really liked the idea and we decided to start up a club! We are calling it Rainbow Paws and I already registered the domain:
I'm going to have so much fun creating the site and starting the club. I hope it will be a great way to make new friends and give back to the community. As I build the site I'll be letting you guys know so you can check out my progress and give me some tips! Wish me luck.
I've got everyone at work goin on the blog madness! I setup our intranet to be a blog that we can all contribute too. It's taking a while for everyone adopt to it but we are finally getting a lot of people posting and using it! I'm very proud of it! I would give you guys a link to check it out, but it's only accessible from within our company so you won't be able to see it! We also had a new project to build a hiphop toolbar. The toolbar points to the latest news stories relating to HipHop. I let the project manager know that the best implementation would be a blog and they agreed. Here we are a couple of weeks later with a hiphop toolbar that has a blog as a backend. Check it out at Be warned that if you download the toolbar there is spyware embedded with it! Consider yourselves warned!

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