Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Six Flags: Magic Mountain

This saturday we had a fun committee event at work in Six Flags: Magic Mountain. It was a little far from my house but we had soo much fun! It was amazing. The day started at 9:30am and I ended up leaving at like 6:30pm. By the time I got there it was 10:30am. A small group of people were already there. As usual not even half of the people who said they were going to show up showed. The company paid for the ticket for the employee and a guest and they paid for food vouchers for everyone. With all that people still didn't want to come! Crazy I know.
It was great for us because the people that didn't show up meant that I got free tix to use for the rest of the year. So now I have five tickets to use until the end of the year. I was a little scared at first because it had been a while since I had been on a rollercoaster. The last time actually was when I went with Luis to Bush Gardens. And we were still in College!!
The first rollercoaster was a little scary but then I got over it. It was the tamest one that I rode and it was called the Viper. The loops don't bother me. The scariest part for me is the first drop. It's usually the highest one and I always get this feeling of helplessness when I'm right about to go down it. I did get over it though and had a blast.
The second rollercoaster we went on was the Goliath. This one, as the name implies, was gigantic! The drop was like twice as big as any rollercoaster I've been on. As soon as you drop you go back up and drop again. This one rocked!!

Not to worry though because I have those free passes and I'll have to use them again real soon!
I knew I would like the park when I first got there. The park is a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be. It was a shame that not that many people from work showed up. We have 30 something employees and only about 7 showed up with a guest. Ricardo and I spent most of the morning waiting for people to let them in through to the park. We should have organized it a little better, but oh well! My favorite rollercoaster was a tie between the Goliath and Scream. Goliath was crazy because it had such a big drop. The scream was cool because it had your feet hanging and it was a very smooth ride!

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Sunday, May 01, 2005
Having too Much Fun in Los Angeles

We have a fun committee at work and I joined it recently. The first off-campus event we are doing is Six Flag's Magic Mountain. I've always wanted to go there and now I get to for free with my coworkers! It's going to be awesome. My team has gotten really close lately. We even went out for drinks last Friday. Every had a really good time and I felt part of the group. It was awesome. I'm taking my camera for the Six Flags trip so I can snap pictures of everyone passed out and puking after the rollercoasters. I used to love rollercoasters when I was younger, now that I'm older I get a little more scared and a little more dizzy! But I'm still crazy enough to ride them again :)
I'll post the pictures as soon as I get them all processed! By that time I'll have my new Powerbook laptop! I really still can't believe how quickly I've been converted into an Apple head! My parents were so awesome. They bought me the 17" laptop for my birthday. They wouldn't even let me pay half of it! They are so crazy. On a realted note my mom just finished winning $3,000.00 bucks at the Seminole HardRock Casino! She is damn luckly. She must be feeling really good now! All I have to do now is win the California lottery so I can buy a big house and invite the family and friends to live over here!!! That would rock.
Albert, my exboyfriend, came to visit me last Wednesday. He was taking a tour of California with his boyfriend and they stopped in LA for two days. I was a little surprised to find that his boyfriend was black. It's no big deal just was an interesting surprise. His boyfriend's name was Carey too which was kind of funny. He was a really cool guy. We went to dinner at my favorite Mexican place Merix. They loved it. We then headed over to the Abbey for a couple of drinks. It's the nicest bar in LA. I then took them on a whirwind tour of some other bars. We went to the Motherlode which was a nice neighborhood bar.
Then we went to Mickey's. They had strippers showering with soap studs. They had the hottest fucking stripper too. I have him way too much money. He was beautiful and had an enourmous cock! Did I mention they don't wear any clothes when they take showers at Mickeys!!!! Mickey's is definately my favorite stripper bar. My other favorite bar is FuBar.

I went to the Hollywood Bowl this weekend to see Cher. I have seen the show before in Miami but it was nothing like this. The venue was what made it amazing. It was outdoor and it was huge. The best part is that we had a picnic before. It is tradition to have a picnic at the Hollywood bowl before an event. It was so cute! I went with Jim, Joe, Alberto and his boyfriend, and Angel. We had a great time. At the end of the perfomance there was a huge fireworks display. I definately want to go back to the Hollywood bowl. The acoustics were amazing and the scenery cannot be beat.
Luis wasn't able to make it to my birthday San Francisco trip. Rafael is still coming and we were thinking about cancelling the hotel and just staying in Los Angeles to save money. Unfortunately I missed it by a day so they would take my deposit if I canceled. So we decided we are going to San Francisco no matter what! I know Rafael is nervous about the expenses but it's an experience he is not going to forget! I haven't been to San Francisco in a couple of years so it will be a treat for me too! I just have to make sure I budget for it :)
My goal is to write in my blog at least three times a week. I've been neglecting it for far too long. I've been so busy trying to get acquanted with my new home :) I also want to cover some old topics that I never got to write about lately. Look for those coming soon.
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