Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Monday, June 27, 2005
LA Pride Gallery I Up!

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Saturday, June 04, 2005
Neglecting My Blog....Birthday Events

Well I've been neglecting my blog hardcore! Enough is enough. It's pretty bad that I got everyone at work excited about the 411web Blog that I created for them as our intranet. I felt like I was cheating on my personal blog. So now I'm inspired to write. There have been a lot of things going on, and a lot of pictures to show! Let's start the show by blogging about my birthday bash mid-May.
Originally Rafael and Luis were going to come down to Los Angeles and we were going to spend the weekend in San Francisco. Of course that didn't happen. Luis canceled on the whole trip because he got a job working for a lawfirm so he couldn't make the trip down since he had just started working there. Rafael almost canceled because he was waiting for financial aid to save the day and it never came. I know how that goes. For some damn reason financial aid in the summer is weird, they space it out over two payments. Anyways....I convinced to come down and told him that we wouldn't go to San Fran because that was too expensive. We were just going to spend it in LA and check out the surrounding area.
He agreed to come and we had a blast! The first night he got here we were off to dinner at my favorite Mexican Restaurant in West Hollywood, Merix. Jet-lagged and all Rafael was ready to party. We called up my friend Mariano and we went bar hopping. We went through about 6 bars (FuBar, Mickey's, Motherlode, the Abbey, Here Bar, and Rage). We were going to check out the skanky TomCat theatre but it was closing in an hour and we decided to drive around. BTW Mariano was really drunk and really, really wanted to go in!

Friday we decided to chill out and take it easy since we drank way too much on Thursday. We spent the day @ Six Flags! I know it's like the second time I go in a month. I really liked it when I went with my coworkers so I wanted to go with Rafael since I had some free tickets and I missed the majority of the rides. We had soo much freaking fun. We rode everything except for three rollercoasters. BatMan we rode twice in a row. It rocks to go to these places during a regular weekday. It was so empty. After a couple of rides Rafael had to blow chunks. He said it was because he hadn't eaten but we all know it was because he can't take the rollercoasters any longer. My favorite ride that day was the DeJa Vu. That ride was nuts. I can't wait to go back and ride it again!
We were exhausted when we got home. We ordered some food and just chilled around the house. We didn't even go out. The party continued Saturday which was my birthday. We decided to do Santa Monica and walk around the 3rd Street Promenade. It reminds me so much of Lincoln Road. We were having a really nice time and we had a birthday lunch at Gaucho Grill. The place was yummy. The food was excellent and the waiters were so freaking hot. I decided that I wanted to take a tour of Argentina sometime in the near future :) Mariano was going to join us but he forgot his wallet so we never saw him.
We headed back to my place where we got ready for the night's festivities. We went to SilverLake to check out the bars over there. We went to FaultLine and MJ's. Faultline is my favorite leather bar. No attitude and lot's of hot guys to look at! Lots of fun. Ocassionally they have a performance or two which is lots of fun to watch. MJ's is a dance place nearby. The music was super load and I'm not a big fan of dancing clubs. I like bars better myself. We didn't last long there. After MJ's we decided to go to the nearby BathHouse called Flexx. It was pretty dead that night and there wasn't much going on. The only thing that was fun was jumping in the jacuzzi and relaxing my aching feet. I hadn't walked this much in months! There was no action here!

Sunday we were having brunch at the French market on Santa Monica Blvd. The plan was to go to San Diego for the day and possibly stay the night. While we were eating our brunch this couple sat at the table next to ours. We chatted for a while and they told us that our best bet would be to go to Palm Springs since it was closer and the traffic would be managable! Just like that we changed gears and I called the guesthouse that they recommended to make reservations for that night. In about two hours we were there. I could not believe how hot it was. It was like 110 degrees. The wind felt like a blow drier. The place was beautiful though. There were mountains everywhere and it looked like a sleepy village. The actual hotel, Warm Sands Villas, was ghetto ghetto ghetto. It was full of old men and the place looked like the 70's were still going strong. We should have waited until we got there before blindly placing the reservation. We still had fun besides the ghetto accommodations.
We had some food at Hamburger Mary's (Las Hamburgesas de Maria) and walked around downtown for a while. It was so freaking hot we almost passed out. We went back to the hotel where I soaked in the pool for a while and Rafael dissappeared into his room. Later that night we decided to go to Toucan's which is a gay bar which has drag shows. We stuck around for the two shows. They were really good! I was expecting the worse but the shows were very good. It looked like a tropical forest from the inside of the establishment.
After the club we decided to check out another guesthouse which had day passes. It was called Camp Palm Springs. This one was very nice. It had two pools, two jacuzzi's, and a sex room. It wasn't too active but there were a couple of people going about. I didn't get down with anyone as I spent much of the time in the jacuzzi again! Next time I come to Palm Springs I'll get a room here. It was a really nice place and it was right in downtown. After a while we decided to go to our room and sleep for the night.

The next day we made a day trip to Joshua Tree National Forest. It was breathtakingly beautiful. There were kiosks everywhere talking about the wildlife there but I didn't see one snake, coyote, or bug. It was all very serene. I saw lots of people camping all over the place. It would be great to do this with a group sometime. We spent about two hours driving through the trails of the park before we headed home to beat the traffic. We were exhausted that night and decided to stay in since Rafael was leaving Tuesday morning.
The next morning we had brunch at Joey's and then I sent Rafael on his way. We both had a great time and it is one of the best birthdays that I have had in a while. I'm loving Southern California so much! I think I've definately found home!
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