Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Monday, December 26, 2005
42" of Love
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Desperate Housewives on my new 42" Plasma

It's a little sad that I won't be with my family and friends this Christmas. I always like being along and doing my own thing and playing with my gadgets but it does get lonely not being around loved ones. I defiantely think next year I'll spend Thanksgiving in LA and go to Miami for Christmas! Of course who knows what will happen then! My parents are coming for a visit in March and we are going up to San Francisco, stoping by Santa Barbara and Monteray on the way! It should be a great trip. We are also gonna check out the desert (casino) in Palm Springs (casino) and then they will spend a couple of days in Los Angeles.
Who knows where I'll be professionally in that time. I've been looking for a new gig for a while and the Holidays really slowed down the search. Hopefully by the end of January I'll be set! Hey at least after the 3rd of January I do not have any commitments to 411web Interactive. Once I get a new gig I'll post a whole entry on that. And believe me there is enough drama there to make the Office look pale in comparison.

I don't know what to do today for Christmas. I was going to take Lola out on a hike but we went on a two hour walk yesterday. I think I may just catch up on my movies since I haven't seen that many movies and there are tons of movies I want to see!!!
My checklist of movies to see is:
- Brokeback Mountain (still haven't seen it)
- Breakfast on Pluto
- Syrania
- Munich
- The Producers
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