Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Just Us Boyz Porn Party [Return to the Blog]

I've been fighting a cold lately but I had to check out the first porn party that Just Us Boyz threw. They are expanding to a bimonthly magazine and JakeCruise advertises in the magazine. They let us know they were having a party in West Hollywood. No one else from work made it but sick and all I had to see for myself. I brought along Luis, Joe, and Mariano. It was the first time that I went to Club 7969, which apparently is a tranny bar. They had a little red carpet which made everyone nervous! We waited in line for little while and then we were let in. We were given a free drink ticket and a ticket for the gift bag! The club was very cute. It had booths and lots of seating. There was another smaller room with a bar towards the back. We hung out for a while until 10:15 PM when Jackie Beat came on to perform.

I definately look forward to more of these parties in the future. I missed the Adult Conference in Las Vegas. My boss got to go, maybe I'll have a chance to go next year. Luis and I are definately interested in starting a site again in a year or so. Whether we do go through with the idea or not, I think this is definately the industry for me! I've been very lucky in my life and this is just another example of it. I couldn't ask for a better situation. I love my job, I love my industry, and I love my boss. He's the best, and Cuban too!! Hello!
I have to start taking more pictures! I left my camera at home when we went to the party. That won't happen next time. I'm gonna go get some rest and hopefully recover from this cold! Until then.
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