Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Cuban Pride

My cousin had this piece of artwork on his MySpace page. I thought it was beautiful so I wanted to share it with you guys. I long for the day that Fidel Castro dies and Cuba becomes a free land. I hope that time is soon so that I can visit the land where I was born. Until then!
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Friday, January 26, 2007
Just Us Boyz Porn Party

I've been fighting a cold lately but I had to check out the first porn party that Just Us Boyz threw. They are expanding to a bimonthly magazine and JakeCruise advertises in the magazine. They let us know they were having a party in West Hollywood. No one else from work made it but sick and all I had to see for myself. I brought along Luis, Joe, and Mariano. It was the first time that I went to Club 7969, which apparently is a tranny bar. They had a little red carpet which made everyone nervous! We waited in line for little while and then we were let in. We were given a free drink ticket and a ticket for the gift bag! The club was very cute. It had booths and lots of seating. There was another smaller room with a bar towards the back. We hung out for a while until 10:15 PM when Jackie Beat came on to perform.

I definately look forward to more of these parties in the future. I missed the Adult Conference in Las Vegas. My boss got to go, maybe I'll have a chance to go next year. Luis and I are definately interested in starting a site again in a year or so. Whether we do go through with the idea or not, I think this is definately the industry for me! I've been very lucky in my life and this is just another example of it. I couldn't ask for a better situation. I love my job, I love my industry, and I love my boss. He's the best, and Cuban too!! Hello!
I have to start taking more pictures! I left my camera at home when we went to the party. That won't happen next time. I'm gonna go get some rest and hopefully recover from this cold! Until then.
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Monday, January 15, 2007
Crooked Street, Crooked Smiles
Luis and I went to San Francisco a while back and I forgot to post these pics that we took at Lombard. It's one of the most scenic parts of San Francisco. Hope you guys enjoy! That picture of me looks super fat! Hopefully by my birthday in May I'll be a lot skinnier. Or at least I'll look a lot skinnier :)

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