Monday, June 23, 2008


Sex and the City the Movie       [Return to the Blog]

SATC-MOVIELuis, Ivette, and I went to go see Sex and the City: The Movie today. I didn't see it right away when it came out, even though I wanted to! Arclight Cinemas Hollywood had a whole package where they included the movie tickets, they had flavored martinis, and mini hot dogs from New York. I so would have done that but it was kind of expensive!

So we just went to a regular showing at the Arclight. It was jam packed! It's great to go to the Arclight for big movies because you can purchase a specific seat and not have to worry about going in a group and getting split up. I was apprehensive going into the movies because I heard mixed reviews. Some reviewers said that the show works great in a 30 minute format but dragged on in a movie format where it was over two hours long! I think we all in unison when I say we loved the movie. There were some very deep sad moments, some hilarious moments, and overall it felt like revisiting with an old friend. I miss the series so much and I enjoyed the movie so much.

I would kill for that house in Malibu where Samantha was staying with her boyfriend! It was killer!

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