Sunday, December 06, 2009


New Me, New Year, New Beginnings       [Return to the Blog]

TwitterI took a big break from my blog this year! All this Facebooking and Twittering distracted me from one of my favorite hobbies! Writing in my blog. The whole Facebook thing started when British Boy told me to make a page. Since that day, I've been a Facebook whore! Then I found Twitter. My favorite thing about Twitter is signing up to companys that tweet. They always give shit away for free. So be on the lookout for that!!! So after all that status updating I decided to come up for air. So this weekend I worked on my website and incorporated my Facebook account and Twitter account into my blog page. You can see my Facebook pic and status on the right-hand side of my blog along with my latest tweets from Twitter! Now it's all in one convenient place! You gotta keep busy somehow during the winter months!

Weight LiftingUsually around this time of year I get horrible seasonal depression. The cold gets to me. The fact that the sun sets so early and it's so dark gets to me. And I think the fact that I'm single gets to me. But this year has been a little different. I'm not really that down. I think a lot of it has to do with the self-esteem I've been building thanks to my constant visits to the gym and my long hikes with Lola. It's been a crazy journey but since I've started, I've lost about 60 pounds!!! The best part has been that it's been gradual and with no crazy diets to follow! I still eat well but this time I exercise like a hamster on a wheel! Oh and instead of ordering pizza every weekend, my new guilty pleasure is SubWay!

I just can't believe that when the new year starts, one of my new year's resolution won't be to loose weight, it will be to gain muscle and maintain! How exciting is that! Watch out Summer 2010 I'll be ready to impress with Caribbean Body® by then! I'm really looking forward to 2010. 2009 was a very hard year for me. I'm no longer friends with a friend that I've had since High School, Lola had a horrible eye ailment, car troubles, you name it. But I survived. Not only did I survive, I think I've learned so much and have grown as a person. I no longer avoid challenges but meet them head on. And I also learned how to barter a little. Like my mother always says, "if you don't ask you'll never know!". Using that philosophy I was able to achieve two very great things this year. Unfortunately I can't comment on either one!!

Look forward to more frequent posts from me! And if you don't see anything recently posted here find me on Facebook or Twitter and tell me to update my blog!


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Recent Posts
  1. Mariano and Rafael at the Abbey
  2. Jim in Stripper Heaven
  3. Griffith Park Observatory
  4. Lola the Pirate
  5. Pretty Flower in Beverly Hills
  6. Getting ready for the Eagle
  7. Preparing an order for Work
  8. Fun with the iPhone
  9. I FINALLY Got the iPhone!!!
  10. Gloomy Rainy Weekend
Monthly Picture

"I have quite a collection of journals. It's not so much that I write a lot. I have this bad habit of starting a new journal when I start a new chapter in life. Either I have had many turning points in my life, or I just wanted an excuse to buy new journals!"

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