Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Shopping Spree in the WeHo       [Return to the Blog]

MuramasaLast night I wanted to go to Best Buy to get my dad a gift certificate for Christmas and buy the new Zelda game! I told Rafael we should go after work and that's what we did. We headed over to the West Hollywood Gateway which has the local Best Buy and our favorite Greek fast food place, Daphne's Greek Cafe. I had not been to Daphne's in so long, ever since we moved our work offices from North Hollywood to Sun Valley. I love love love their Spicy Chicken Salad. It was super good!!!

Once we stuffed our faces and had some espresso at Starbucks, we headed over to Best Buy. I have to pre-plan what I'm going to buy at Best Buy, otherwise I would have left with a new PS3. Yes I still don't have one! And I'm holding out! I think I like the torture. At Best Buy I picked up the new The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks game for the DS and Muramasa: the Demon Blade for the Wii.

As soon as I got home I put in the Muramasa game. It was so beautiful! The graphics were so impressive, and the sound was great! All the voice acting was in Japanese which added to the fact that I didn't know what the fuck was going on. But it was pretty to look at. The game played pretty fun too! It looks like a long and involved game. So it will keep me busy for a while! Unlike Dead Space Extraction, which was awesome but super super short! SUPER SHORT!

Spirit TracksBefore going to bed I had to play a bit of the Zelda Spirit Tracks. I loved the one they made before this one on the DS, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. It was one of the best DS games I've ever played. This one uses the same engine, so I liked it from the beginning! The whole evil train thing is kind of cheezy, but I'm going with it! I'm sure all my bathroom breaks at work now are going to be real long...

After Best Buy Rafael wanted to buy a nice shirt for his job's Christmas party so we headed to our favorite used clothing store: CrossRoads Trading Co. It's funny because I was never into used clothing before. Then we went in once a couple of months ago and I tried on two jeans that fit me perfectly! This is a very tough feat because when I find jeans that fit me in the waist, they are usually way too long! Lucky for me there is someone with great taste who sells back a lot of his jeans and clothes to CrossRoads. Since then I've been hooked!

CrossRoadsI came across this super cool grey and green jacket that I insantly fell in love with! I'll have to take some picutures of it. It was $30.00!!! Even though I was broke, I had to pick it up. The sleeves come off, it looks super cute, and it had a hoodie. Perfect for our crazy weather here in California in the Winter/Spring. Rafael was pissed because he wanted it, but I got to it first!!! I'm sure he'll be "borrowing" it quite a bit. I found this amazing leather jacket for him, but he didn't like it. If I could have fit into it I would have bought it!!! At the checkout line there was a crazy Trans girl who looked like she was fucked up on something hot mess of a drug. She was listening to her CD player and at the same time using a lighter to fuse the exposed electrical wiring of one of the ear buds. HOT MESS!!! Rafael was scared of her, but I thought it was thouroughly entertaining, especially when they tried to kick her out and she screamed, "I'm getting my manager!!!!" Priceless!!

What an exciting night huh!

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