Kelvis Korner Blog
Adventures of a gay Internet Programmer in Southern California. I have enough wacky friends and hilarious stories to keep you interested, or at least mildly amused!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas in LA

So of course I didn't spend the whole Christmas weekend playing games. Christmas Eve Mariano wanted to hang out with Rafael and I. Rafael was invited over to a friend's house for pre-drinks before we set out to Mickys. The friends turned out to live in Mediterranean Village. I thought about moving there when I first moved to West Hollywood because they are run by the same management company that I had in Fort Lauderdale, Archstone Smith. But it was too expensive and I had had a previously bad experience with Archstone Smith. They're all about money and not about customer service. At least that's how they were in Florida!
The place was very cute though and Rafael's friends were very nice. We had like three martini's there. And I was already drunk from all the wine that we had at our place before! We left to go to Mickys about 45 minutes later. We had a lot of fun at Mickys! My favorite bartender was there, the one that I have a crush on. He goes to my gym but I never say hello. Retarded I know! In the crowd there was a guy wearing a cuban t-shirt. We went up to him to say hi and it turned out he was in fact cuban! There's been a lot of cuban sightings lately in the LA area :) We danced and drank some more and then Mariano and I headed over to Pizza Rustica to sober up. I was totally fucked up!
Christmas day I woke up with one crazy hang over. But Rafael and I went to Pavilions to get some food for our get together at Mariano's house. We settled on Lasagna and garlic bread. We met up with Jim who was already there at Mariano's house. Mariano's house in Thousand Oaks was so cute! It was a beautiful neighborhood. My favorite spot in the house was the back yard. It had a beautiful saltwater pool and jacuzzi. But the view was towards these hills and canyons. It was breathtaking! We spent most of the time soaking up in the warm pool! It was nice!!! Dinner was ready and we had a feast! We rented Julie & Julia on PayPerView and settled down to watch it. Jim and I really liked it, Mariano and Rafael hated it. HATED IT! I thought it was a super cute movie and Mery Streep did an amazing Julia Child! AMAZING! Amy Adams was really good too. But I generally like everything that she does! After the movie we all headed home.

Sunday was my do all my errands day! I took Lola to the groomers. I went to Best Buy to get a new router, I got my car washed, and I got some groceries to do laundry. I felt such a sense of accomplishment when I did all the things on my to-do-list. It felt great. I'm so glad I bought a new router. My old one was acting up. The new one is really efficient and makes my wireless network super fast! Rafael's laptop and my Wii were dropping the weireless signal before, and now it's perfect!! I was really happy when I finished reworking all my wireless peripherals.

What a great weekend! It has definitely put me in a very good mood!
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Lady Gage @ the Nokia Theatre

It was so modern. We were super excited to see the Gaga. As expected all the fans were either gay boys or tween girls. We got along great! They had some Lady Gaga earphones called HeartBeats which they were trying to peddle, even though they were overpriced, they were kind of cool looking! We hadn't had dinner yet so we picked up some beer and some hot dogs. We are so glamorous! I know.
We were looking at the Merch counter and Rafael absolutely had to buy the Lady Gaga bedazzled mask. You'll see pictures below! It was too tight for his face! It wouldn't even go over my big head :) We finally made our way into the theatre. It was a cool space. Not too big, not too small. Just right! The opening act was Semi Precious Weapons. They were cute and super gay, but it was too heavy rock/punk for me to get into. It was a last minute change up since Kid Cudi was supposed to open, but he punched one his his fans in the face, so he was banned from the tour and was performing later at Club Nokia across the street!
The concert finally started and we were excited. I have to say I did enjoy the concert. But it wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting over-the-top Lady Gage. Kind of what she did at the VMA's. But instead it was muted. Not muted in an artistically edited kind of way, muted in a we have to put this concert together last minute to make some money. At least that's what it felt like for me. Lady Gaga to me is over the top. I love her for it. Her concert did not reflect this. There were many times where I noticed she wasn't singing live. Usually I don't care about this, but I know she can sing. So I didn't get it.
Also she didn't perform Telephone! One of my favorite songs and it just didn't happen. It was very frustrating. I'm not loosing hope in her though. I think after a couple of albums she'll have a killer tour soon. I know it! No one is making music like she is right now! No one!!!
Enjoy some of the pictures I took at the concert below. See the full album on Facebook:

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Working it out at the Lady Gaga Concert
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Shopping Spree in the WeHo

Once we stuffed our faces and had some espresso at Starbucks, we headed over to Best Buy. I have to pre-plan what I'm going to buy at Best Buy, otherwise I would have left with a new PS3. Yes I still don't have one! And I'm holding out! I think I like the torture. At Best Buy I picked up the new The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks game for the DS and Muramasa: the Demon Blade for the Wii.
As soon as I got home I put in the Muramasa game. It was so beautiful! The graphics were so impressive, and the sound was great! All the voice acting was in Japanese which added to the fact that I didn't know what the fuck was going on. But it was pretty to look at. The game played pretty fun too! It looks like a long and involved game. So it will keep me busy for a while! Unlike Dead Space Extraction, which was awesome but super super short! SUPER SHORT!

After Best Buy Rafael wanted to buy a nice shirt for his job's Christmas party so we headed to our favorite used clothing store: CrossRoads Trading Co. It's funny because I was never into used clothing before. Then we went in once a couple of months ago and I tried on two jeans that fit me perfectly! This is a very tough feat because when I find jeans that fit me in the waist, they are usually way too long! Lucky for me there is someone with great taste who sells back a lot of his jeans and clothes to CrossRoads. Since then I've been hooked!

What an exciting night huh!
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Monday, December 07, 2009
Viva Cuba

The story was so endearing! The acting was amazing, and it made me miss Miami so much! Even though I live in Los Angeles and there are tons of latins around, there is something very distinct about Cubans! This movie captures this beauitfully! You really fall in love with the two friends as they set out on their adventure.
The whole time I was watching the movie I was realizing how far I really am from my family and friends in Miami. I know one day I'll move back, but when exactly will that be? I love living in Los Angeles and it has been very good to me, especially since my field of work really lends itself to the technology focused state of California. But I do miss Miami. I don't miss the weather, but I miss my family, friends, and the people of Miami.
I have this loose plan that when I turn 35 I'll start actively searching for a job in the South Florida area. We'll see how far I get with these plans! Life always brings things that prevents you from making any long term planning! So we'll see! Until then I'll just have to visit Miami a lot! My goal this coming year is to make three trips. One trip I'm making in March. I definitely want to be there for Thanksgiving. And I also want to visit sometime in the Summer!
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Sunday, December 06, 2009
New Me, New Year, New Beginnings

I just can't believe that when the new year starts, one of my new year's resolution won't be to loose weight, it will be to gain muscle and maintain! How exciting is that! Watch out Summer 2010 I'll be ready to impress with Caribbean Body® by then! I'm really looking forward to 2010. 2009 was a very hard year for me. I'm no longer friends with a friend that I've had since High School, Lola had a horrible eye ailment, car troubles, you name it. But I survived. Not only did I survive, I think I've learned so much and have grown as a person. I no longer avoid challenges but meet them head on. And I also learned how to barter a little. Like my mother always says, "if you don't ask you'll never know!". Using that philosophy I was able to achieve two very great things this year. Unfortunately I can't comment on either one!!
Look forward to more frequent posts from me! And if you don't see anything recently posted here find me on Facebook or Twitter and tell me to update my blog!
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Friday, December 04, 2009
Mariano and Rafael at the Abbey
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